Wednesday, May 4, 2016

On the road to recovery

In the not so many days from my breakdown, I have often looked back and shudder. At the what ifs, and the what have nots.

I am on the road to recovery, for myself and my inner soul.
Every day, I pray to God, that I have the strength to continue on.

It seems that Life is full of potholes, and when it rains, it pours.
Whether it be good fortune or bad, everything seems to come together.

To be frank, I am fatigued. Fatigued by the constant quarrels that surround and embroil me in their midst. I am confused, what is happening?
There seems to be no place to step upon, and every where there are little whirl pools of disaster. I am standing on a tight rope, yet I have no choice but to advance.

I wish to there to be  a time for me to rest and think, to replot my direction. The reality remains that the World has other thoughts and persist on hounding me.

Where can I place my foot upon?

The saving grace of God. Please save me from this mire of doubts, and guide me across this dangerous land.

Where will I find myself after this? I don't know, and I hope that there is a place I can rest before the next race.

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