Monday, April 4, 2016

The reason for technology

We are truly a blessed people.

To have desired and come across the idea of technology. Using the science of craft and the skillfulness of hand, we are able to overcome many of the so called limitations of man.

For many with the knowledge that is gained, there is a distrust of that which is deemed as the supranatural.

But is God supranatural?

We have managed with some success to make miracles, grow entire creatures off a petridish and replace organs.

With our knowledge that we have gotten from our studies, we move closer and closer to what we think as the power to create.
Of course there are good and bad sides to the same coin.

Coupled with a much more diverse and open community as well as the freedom of speech and expression, we find out more about our religious leaders and become increasingly desensitised to their corrupt actions.

Have people become more corrupt?

I think not. It is just that with better technology the propensity for corruption to happen and for it to be discovered and propagated, more and more of these news come to light.

It is not our faith in God that has been shaken but our faith in the person that has degenerated.

Without guidance from strong religious leaders, who leads through righteous example and only by their firm belief in God, the sheep are blind.

So has technology corrupted us?

We must know that it is but a tool.

A tool that is so powerful to use, for both good and evil. That without proper control, can easily cause hurt. Much like a simple hammer or a lever.

We must remember that the reason for technology is to improve our livelihood and to help us pursue the truth which is God.

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